
Dear Providers:

According to the updated regulations on 4/22/2020 from Early Intervention.

We will really appreciate following the check points list below before you submit your session notes.

  • Before providing interacting with parents via E-mail, Providers MUST obtain an E-mail signed consent
    Sample: “This email / text message serves as my written consent on (name of the applicable form from the list below) in order to facilitate the Early Intervention process during the COVID-19 Declared State of Emergency (full name of parent/guardian who is proving consent) (date)”.
  • All Electronic signatures are NOT allowed on service log!
  • This specific statement “the service was delivered utilizing a teletherapy approach during the COVID-19 declared state of emergency”. Must be in each session notes. We suggested you write or type it in the. “Additional information section”
  • The Parent’s signature line on the session note must state “Telehealth session or Virtual Session” CANNOT be left blank.
  • Relationship to child – MUST state who the virtual session took place with, it cannot be left blank.
  • Location – session note needs to state where the virtual session took place if home then Home/Virtual telehealth (it cannot be left blank)
  • The Date and the Time on both the NYC EI service log and the session notes MUST match and it must be the actual true time of session in order to avoid any time conflicts with other providers/other agencies. If sessions get denied, it will raise a red flag under NYS Billing, and we need to avoid this at all cost. If times are different on both session notes and time log, they will NOT be billed, and it will delay payment and we are trying to assist you in avoiding that.
  • Cancellation / Missed sessions/ Gap Doc MUST still be completed for all sessions missed and the reason why.
  • DATA or ABA program book must still be collected on a daily basis.