Yes. However, you can not make up for in-person service.

Yes, we are preparing and scheduling the ABA training soon.

7/6/2020 as long as we have a consent form signed by the parent

Yes, we will follow the guidelines from EI and NYC to make sure all the students and staff are safe in our center. Base on the recent information from city, the planned date will be 07/20

Yes, SC will contact all the clients to let them know the updates of EI announcements. And also Please let the parents contact SC and let SC know that they are interested in group service.

Yes, a provider can conduct some sessions in person and some with telehealth. Both consent for in person and teletherapy MUST be signed for this to happen

Service logs need to be signed on a weekly basis. When the parent receives the weekly log they can sign for all the sessions and write in the date they are signing – which will be the same day for all the sessions.

If the parent does not sign weekly, the provider should document all efforts to have that done. 

No. A consent to use telehealth signed by the parent must be obtained prior to starting Telehealth

If the family is not able to see their doctor and it is documented, according to Medicaid regulations the prescription is good for a year

Yes. You must do a continuous 60 minutes at different times. Example. 9-10 AM for one hour and 3-4 PM for the other hour